Dailies Aquacomfort Plus Multifocal
DAILIES AquaComfort
Plus Multifocal are one-day multifocal contact lenses produced by Alcon, which are designed to
correct presbyopia. Presbyopia is a common vision defect that affects many
adults around the age of 40. This package contains 30 lenses.
Kontaktlinsen Dailies AquaComfort Plus Multifocal
AquaComfort Plus Multifocal sind multifokale Tageslinsen von Alcon, mit
denen die Presbyopie Alterssichtigkeit korrigiert wird.
3 moisturising agents - your lenses will stay
moist thanks to 3 active moisturising agents which are released every time you
Blink-activated moisture - Start seeing
clearly again with blink-activated moisture technology which provides comfort
all day long.
Tear film stability - The release of moisturising agents with
every blink results in a stabilised tear film which helps support clear vision
and comfort throughout the day.
Precision Profile design
Precision Profile technology ensures a smooth transition between concentric
optical zones. The central part of the lens is designed to improve near vision,
while a continuous transition to the edges of the lens allows clear vision at
greater distances. The human eye has a natural ability to use just the zone of
the lens that it needs at any given moment. This technology also improves image
quality and maintains a stable position of the lens on the eye.
Exceptional moisture and comfort
Dailies Aquacomfort plus
lenses contain the moisturising lubricant known as HPMC. They also contain a
combination of two other important substances - PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) and PEG
(polyethylene glycol). PVA is embedded within the lens material and is released
to the surface with every blink.
We also offer Dailies Aquacomfort Plus
Multifocal in a package of 90 lenses.
Comments (1)
How much would shipping to Malta in Europe cost please?
Hi, Rudolf, Shipping to Malta via DHL costs €4.90.
Thanks, Alensa